12 Days of Niche-mas

Since 2013 Niche has been sharing our understanding on key issues with friends and clients via our Insider’s Insights. Many of you may have seen them. Previous editions have covered subjects ranging from clinical study design to designing professional posters. This knowledge has been distilled from our 18 years working in the industry. A great deal of effort and experience goes into the production of these documents. We take great pride in ensuring that we have captured within the document all we have learned while working in the industry. These are not the 'low content' marketing vehicles with overly inviting titles commonly pushed on you as part of an inaptly titled 'content-driven marketing' exercise. Each of our Insider's Insights has been created with care and only released after it has been commented on by most of our team. Our hope is that these documents will serve you for years to come. Many of you have been kind enough to suggest subjects we should focus on in future issues.

As part of the annual (Christmas) process of thanking all our friends and colleagues for the wonderful times we have shared over 2016, we will be distributing nine of our most recent Insider's Insights with our seasonal greetings. We will also be adding three ALL NEW Insider's Insights just to spice things up a little. As we want to make these documents available to as many people as possible we are inviting anyone to sign up for our "12 Days of Niche-mas" celebration - where we will share a new Insider's Insight every day. Don't worry, registration does not mean you will get inundated with additional marketing exercises from Niche - we will only use your details to distribute our Insider's Insights. And your details will not be shared with any other organisation - so no fear of yet more spam.