Advent or Countdown
OK, we know when we have some tough competition. The BMJ are copying Niche - where we have our 12 Days of Niche-mas the BMJ are running a Christmas advent calendar for 2016 (here). The good news is that both are great products and following one doesn't preclude the other. The BMJ's Christmas team has selected some of their favourite Christmas papers from the past. There are some well known classics and a few hidden gems. The BMJ asks you to check back every day in December to see the advent calendar open and rediscover a paper from their Christmas past. Similarly, Niche are providing access to past issues of our Insider's Insights. We too are sharing our well known classics as well as providing you with the chance to read some new gems of wisdom from our team. Register for our countdown to Niche-mas here. What a great Christmas this is turning out to be and we still have 471 hours to go.