FRAILOMIC at the 2017 International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research

Plans are well underway for the International Conference on Frailty & Sarcopenia Research (ICFSR) to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Barcelona, Spain on 27-29 April this year. Release of the preliminary programme for the conference highlights the role that the ongoing FRAILOMIC study is playing in this field. Professor Leocadio Rodríguez-Mañas (Madrid, Spain), the project lead for FRAILOMIC plays a key role on the organising committee and will be giving the first keynote presentation on Day 1 of the conference: FRAILTY IN THE CLINICAL SCENARIO: CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES. Many other team members of the FRAILOMIC initiative will not only be participants but will also be presenting updates on their work. In the session 'DETECTING FRAILTY AND GERIATRIC CARE IN CLINICAL AND NON-CLINICAL SETTINGS', that will be moderated by Professor Leocadio Rodríguez-Mañas, FRAILOMIC's senior scientist, Dr Stefan Walter, will present on the insights on the possible use of biomarkers for diagnosis, risk and progression of frailty derived from the FRAILOMIC study.
For example, Professor Alan Sinclair will be presenting "Is Frailty the Clinical Expression of Sarcopenia? An Exploration of this Hypothesis in Older People with Diabetes" while data emerging from the related FRAILTOOLS and FRAILCLINIC studies will also be provided. The congress promises to be a an exciting oportunity to hear about the amazing progress currently being made in the fields of ageing and frailty.
Leocadio Rodríguez-Mañas (Madrid, Spain)