Niche Attends Pharma Outsourcing in Stockholm

The Niche Business Development Team attended the 2016 Pharma Outsourcing meeting in Stockholm. This new international partnering meeting targets academics, R&D professionals, service providers and investment managers. The meeting was sponsored and organised by Kemivärlden Biotech med Kemisk Tidskrift (The Journal of Chemistry & Biotechnology) a leading magazine in the Nordic region with a focus on chemistry, biotechnology and life sciences.
During the day, experts in all aspects of drug development from around the world gave cutting edge presentations on best practices relating to outsourcing in drug development. Informal partnering and networking sessions were run in parallel with the presentations and exhibitions. These four core elements of the day ensured that the event was a lively, energetic meeting that fulfilled its intention to impart new knowledge and foster new networks.
Niche’s own Anna Torner (Head of Strategic Alliances) gave an informative presentation entitled “Successful outsourcing is a key discipline in itself”, which was very well received by the representatives from small and medium-sized pharma and biotech companies as well as those from ‘Big Pharma’. The intimate nature of the meeting meant that around 3o exhibitors and 130 delegates could listen to the individual stories of delegates and share the challenges they had faced in finding appropriate service providers.