Amazing abstracts

As you return from the holiday season you may find that you are pressured by impending abstract submission deadlines. Don’t panic! An abstract is simply a short, standalone, easy-to-follow overview of your work. A well-written abstract facilitates understanding of the main thrust of your research and allows readers to decide quickly whether they want to include your work in their upcoming congress. Not all abstracts are created equal and you want to give yourself the best chance of success. Writing abstracts that are technically-sound is relatively easy, writing amazing abstracts that stand out from the crowd is not as straightforward.
During the rush up to Christmas you possibly missed the release of our updated Insider's Insight on how to create amazing abstracts. You may already be an expert on writing abstracts but do you know everything? We provide here some insights from the Niche medical writing team, many of whom have been writing abstracts for scientific congresses since 1985. If nothing else it will give you some insight into how the abstract became part of the modern scientific paper and could serve as a handy teaching resource. It will also give you helpful advice on choosing title for your abstract. We will also be grateful for your help with suggestions on how the guide might be improved.
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