Assessing the impact of the pandemic on future work patterns

What do you want future working to look like? We have created a short survey looking at the effects of this unexpected lockdown in health communications and the biomedical industries. The survey will close on 13th August 2021.
At the start of 2020 we faced changes to the way we worked due to COVID-19. In many cases these changes were introduced quickly leaving little time for contemplation, planning or preparation. For more than a year we have faced personal disruption and worry, whether that’s juggling childcare and conference calls, working in cramped bedrooms, financial pressures or maintaining remote relationships with family and friends. In June of 2020 we ran a survey investigating the impact of these changes and received some amazing insights. We had over 700 responders and the findings were published in March this yea (here)r.
We are in a very different place than we were 12+ months ago. As we start to see vaccination role out, strategies are being considered on how to best reverse lockdown conditions, employers are asking whether lessons learned during the pandemic can be translated into new working paradigms. Will you drive the discussion on future working or will you simply be a passenger? With this fully anonymous survey (here) we hope to provide responders with the opportunity to have their voice heard in future discussions. Please spare us 10 minutes to share your thoughts.
The survey is being run by Tim Hardman (Niche Science & Technology Ltd.), Steven Walker (St Gilesmedical), Catherine Lee (Bedrock Health) and Peter Llewellyn (NetworkPharma). We will prepare a report and share the findings as soon as possible via The MedComms Networking surveys page.
Contact us at if you have any questions.