Blood tells a story about the body it inhabits. As it pumps through vessels, delivering nutrients and oxygen, the...
The 2014/2015 Ebola outbreak in West Africa shone the spotlight not only on the unpreparedness of local health...
A targeted antibiotic can eliminate infections caused by microbes that are resistant to most drugs, experiments in...
A new, highly effective drug-device combination for treating life-threatening blood clots in stroke patients is...
Fifteen years ago, a study showed that the brains of London cab drivers had an enlargement in the hippocampus, a...
Investigators at Columbia University Medical Center and the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have discovered...
The main pumping chamber of the heart ages differently in men and women, according to a new magnetic resonance...
A new type of heart stent that works like dissolving stitches, slowly going away after it has done its job, passed...
An HIV vaccine has been years in the works, in animal models and in the lab.
Testing in humans is now...
A pair of researchers, one with New York University College of Dentistry in New York, the other with King's College...
Specialists in clinical pharmacology – phase 1 and early phase 2 trials