Working from home: just a pandemic solution?

We need your help. We have created a short survey looking at the effects of home working practices in the health...

Could a simple small molecule from the 70's pave a path out of COVID-19?

To date, there have been countless millions of confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide, which have resulted in...

Ethics approval for first COVID human challenge study

Ethics approval has just been confirmed for the UK will be the first country in the world to run a Covid-19 human...

Reducing Steroids in Severe Asthman: a Novel Biomarker Driven Strategy

Researchers have identified what appears to be a safe and effective means of reducing unnecessary exposure to...

Improving granularity

Intratumoural heterogeneity of pulmonary adenocarcinoma challenges accurate interpretation of PD-L1...


Challenges of home-working, a survey to inform working practice.

We would like your help. We have created a...

30 years of space

Thirty years ago a team of NASA astronauts manoeuvred the Hubble Space Telescope out of a space shuttle’s cargo bay...


How clinical pharmacologists might prepare for change

The latest issue of Journal Frontiers in Pharmacology has just published the proceedings of the second biennial...
